Study on Response Characteristics of Rope under Impact Force Based on Finite Element Method
摘要: 由于在输电线路的巡检中人员易发生滑动引发高空坠落,导致绳索受力而局部变形,甚至断裂,严重威胁作业人员的人身安全。为了分析不同因素下绳索的动力响应特性,本文采用有限元分析软件 ANSYS Workbench 建立了聚丙烯加捻绳仿真模型,模拟并分析了不同工况下绳索的动力响应特性。仿真结果表明 :绳索所受应力与绳索的直径、长度和所受冲击力密切相关,在绳索直径、长度不变,冲击力为二倍关系时,最大形变与应力一致,时间减半 ;当绳索直径增大,最大应力与形变先降低后增大再下降 ;绳索最大应力出现在绳股与绳股接触处。Abstract: During the inspection of transmission lines,personnel are prone to slide and fall from high altitude,leading to local deformation or even fracture of the rope,which seriously threatens the personal safety of operators. In order to analyze the dynamic response characteristics of the rope under different factors,the fi nite element analysis software ANSYS Workbench was used in this paper to establish a simulation model of the polypropylene twisted rope, and to simulate and analyze the dynamic response characteristics of the rope under diff erent working conditions. The simulation results show that the stress on the rope is closely related to the diameter, length and impact force of the rope. When the diameter and length of the rope are unchanged and the impact force is twice the relationship, the maximum deformation is consistent with the stress, and the occurrence time is half. When the diameter of the rope increases, the maximum stress and deformation decrease first and then increase and then decrease. The maximum stress of the rope appears at the contact point between the rope strand and rope strand
Key words:
- rope /
- impact force /
- high fall
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